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How quick is the fix in our real lives? But how about Saving a person…

After watching “13 Reasons Why” how many of us have gone down the memory lane to remember that how we survived all this at some point in our life too!

Hats off to all those who have made to their thirties surviving all the staged propaganda in our lives. But HOW many of us are living those little traumatic experiences in our dreams. Demons that scare us and fears that have made us what we are today. Shaking our inner beliefs on diminutive things in life. But still, we are ALIVE….breathing if you know what I mean?

Have you ever wondered what goes on in a mind of a baby girl being molested and having no one to run for help? Because she doesn’t even know if what’s happening to her is right or wrong? How can love in her life overcome all those fears that hide in the unconscious when she lost her innocence? How another scar on her trust can shatter her and throws her into the dark place where she won’t outlast. Damn, she won’t be the SAME anymore.

SAVE her by breaking the self-created laws about tabooed topics and getting into conversation…

How about a girl in the gossips, seen by the eyes as if you are an object of desire, not a person? What goes in her mind day in and out? How you check her out says all how you feel about her? Physical appearance blinds away her personality so all someone sees is her perfect or imperfect figure forgetting to associate it with a PERSON she is. How to conquer her or not but spreading the rumor is all its about. How being part of such a conspiracy will affect her Future? Nobody has to think about it …. because yes, WE live for today as if there is no tomorrow.

SAVE her by not being part of the crowd and look at her as a person…

How about a person loving you with all of herself? And yet you let go of her because of all the hear and say that comes to you or maybe you thought you could plug in or plug out as per your requirements…. If using someone financially can lead to financial crimes and has charges and using someone’s content without permission is a plagiarism then how about benefitting from someone’s emotions… what kind of crime is it?

SAVE her by not saying,” Love you” when you are not into her …

Prayers for those who decided to quit their lives because they felt too fragile to survive.

Yes being “That” girl sometimes kills you knowing you are being portrayed as someone you are NOT


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