


    Do you know that Gender Equality is the 5thgoal among 17 Sustainable Development Goals? Gender equality and Gender balance are the heavy words that are used at many developmental platforms.  But for a layman its important to understand that what that means? Let’s try to understand the term “Gender Equality and Gender-Balance” It

What do you know about home? People, who choose to live overseas? That’s just not a dialogue but a question you come across several times …sometimes it’s put into words while other times it’s the behaviors that ask you this question…. because you once made a choice based on the rationale to move away from

While learning about talking techniques on how to unpack information asked in a strategic way so that you are not lost in the prolix words and lingering sentences, a thought struck my mind. No matter how much we dread it or like it but “small talk” is an essential skill that takes us through our

Save it …   How? pdf or jpg?   How quick is the fix in our real lives? But how about Saving a person… After watching “13 Reasons Why” how many of us have gone down the memory lane to remember that how we survived all this at some point in our life too! Hats

“Don’t be so emotional…. Stop being a girl”. “You got to hold it strong don’t be emotional!!!” “What are you an emotional teenager?” “Weird & emotional as always …yeah that’s you” “When will you think rational and not being emotional!”   I bet everyone has heard these once or more in their lives. Whenever I

We all have heard that an opportunity is never lost but taken by someone else. These people in the dictionary are called “Opportunists”. They just know what they want. Other people’s margin is their opportunity. Having a spark of their own they exactly know when is the right time to invade the territory where opportunity