“To Do” List, everyone has it…well almost everyone. Either in our mind or scribbled on a paper. The transition from small pocket diaries to colored post-it, to virtual pin posts and finally to synced phone and laptop apps helped us all achieve it.
I don’t even remember when I got obsessed with “To Do” list, I can’t recall the age when I made my first “To Do list “and how much I loved crossing the items at the end of the day.
As I grew up this habit inculcated its way to my personal and professional mindset and helped me in being an organize species in different spheres of life.
There were days when I wasn’t employed still my “To Do” list kept me going through multiple phases in a day very productively. One of the reasons my energy is high even when the day is going upside down is the items on my very own “To Do list”. Because I don’t want myself wasted by some event which was not part of the day as I planned it. Therefore, I focus on getting things done rather than let that spur of moment eat me.
Last week I was listening to one of the Podcast, I heard about “TA-Da list”. It’s a savior in days when you can’t achieve much on yours “TO Do” list because life happens while you are trying to get things moving. This TA- DA list highlights all your achievements or the little baby steps taken towards the achievement of bigger goals in life.
Listening to this I was excited to create my very own TA-DA list to see what I had nailed in a month. Though I am very good at my TO Do’s, my Ta-Da actually gave me an adrenaline rush and I wanted to do more. Here is how you can use it both in your personal and professional lives.
Having a Ta-Da list in personal life can tell you what are you doing when you are not doing anything as per other people around you, it lets you monitor your time and how each action leads you to an objective. For example, we all have To Do list consisting of our home goals consisting of item wise grocery shopping, art supplies, redecoration of sitting room, decluttering the clutters, buying more organizers etc. And not to forget about some personal To Do’s regarding movies to be watched, books to be read, skills to be learned and seasons to be downloaded. But most of the time we are so consumed that we stray from our mission statement of following our list by heart. It’s important that at the end of every week you create your TA-DA list to see what you have achieved in all this time and how your actions have contributed towards your goals in personal and family life.
The same way in your work life the TA-DA list on weekly basis will give you a snapshot of what tasks you have completed and where have you spent your time if items from your To Do list are still up there and staring back at you. There has to be a reason behind it. This list will not only motivate you to keep going but also will be a good record to keep for your future performance appraisal purposes (with tough or short memory bosses) as when the time arrives our memory gets blurry and we can’t counter the arguments what we did that helped us land there.
Therefore, I have decided to maintain my TA-DA journal to reflect on my small personal and professional achievements from time to time. I would suggest you guys do the same to monitor your weekly progress of things in life because at times head notes disappear.
P.S. Well when I looked online there used to be an online free service launched in 2005 named TADA list where people could manage their To-Do list virtually. Now with the swirl of smart apps doing the same works on our Androids and IOS that service has come to an end.