
New To Canada


There are many things to keep in mind as you come to a new land like Canada. Between all the TO Do’s there are some “DON’T DO” stuff that you need to keep in mind as a newcomer too. Or simply you can say the things that you need to beware of especially when you

The moment I landed in this Country with zillions of questions about where to get the perfect Weather Gear, Kosher Signs for products, List of lunch items, Trainers for driving, the must go Desi Eatery places to survive in this part of the world, “Muslim Moms of Ontario” (MMO) has been my “GO TO” person

From focusing on designing this perfect “Maple Leaf” in branding collateral as a marketing manager at work in Pakistan to living in a country with major exports of Maple products and 47 million maple trees around in the country has turned many leaves in the chapter of my life. As I stepped into this country

Starting over again is SCARY, one of the hardest leaps to make in a life I must say. It means stepping out of your comfort zone saying bye to Security, Safety & Stability that you once earned hard to create that safe haven. It’s like letting go of everything deliberately to move on with all