If YOU are looking to create a side hustle on instagram or grow a full time income out of it but not sure how to start …or if you have already started but feels lost then let me help you create content confidently and attract your ideal followers to grow your sales/ monetize your Instagram.
Reserve your spot for Group Workshop
“Finding Your Answers to Growing your Instagram Community and Creating Income As a Content Creator”
Time: 8:00 Pm Pakistan Standard Time
Venue: Zoom/ Online
Charges Cad 75/PKR 11,000/ USD 55
I remember it was august 2018 when I lost my job in Canada! The job that I got after a year of struggle and uncountable interviews and rejections even after having a work experience of more than a decade on Marketing and Capacity Building and 2 Masters Degrees.
It wasn’t easy …as an IMMIGRANT my confidence was shattered that how come it was me? Where did I go wrong? But guess what it’s very common here one fine day you go and you are told you have been part of the business decision and hence we don’t need you anymore!
I was writing my blogs already
For the newcomers to Canada but after a job loss, I started my marketing consultancy full time … made my presence on Instagram. It was a new space to explore … going public wasn’t easy …
I was told
Instagram is a pretty platform, not a monetary source …
blogging isn’t a work in itself … it’s a hobby…!
Instagram is over-saturated and new people can’t take their place.
But the consistency worked! The hard work paid off!
Guess what I have been able to pay my bills and contribute to my home due to Instagram Monetization. Worked directly with national and international brands!
Created paid content, digital courses, and coaching based on my experience and learnings! And here I am ready to share all that in step-by-step strategy with you in my course!
Let me tell you if I can do it in the new country on a new platform ….so can you! The choice is urs … is it your day 1 to decide or Just another day.